Regulatory Playbook | Pillsbury Law | Health Care | Insights
Regulatory Playbook
Inside analysis direct from Washington, DC
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Health Care

  • House Judiciary Committee Votes to Advance Controversial ADA Amendment

    The House of Representatives has proposed legislation that would limit Americans with Disabilities Act lawsuits based on a business’s failure to proactively remove obstacles that impede access to existing public accommodations. Disabled persons’ groups oppose the bill.

  • How Does a Freeze in Federal Hiring Affect Patent Examination Timelines?

    While such a hiring freeze may not have an immediate impact on patent application pendency and/or examination quality, due to the relatively high attrition rate of the patent examining corps, the examination timeline and quality may be affected in the future. In particular, technologies having greater upfront value, including internet-based technologies and platforms, and clients relying on patent portfolios for valuation will be most acutely impacted